Monday, January 16, 2012

New Babbage

The Metropolis of New Babbage

I have mentioned previously that the steampunk city of New Babbage was the place the Fallen Hour chose to plunge into when first she carried me from the confines of my own universe into the strange parallel of Linden Space. As such, I came to think of it as a home away from home. The name I have taken belonged to one of her citizens (until steam-driven parallel Daleks destroyed him), and many of the affectations adopted by both my regeneration and my TTC were influenced by that city.

She is a bustling metropolis, technologically poised in the midst of the Industrial Revolution but with scientific anomalies and oddities that astound and amaze. Composed of Babbage Square, Babbage Canals, Babbage Palisade, New Babbage (proper), Clockhaven, Wheatstone Waterways, the Academy of Industry, the Vernian Sea and Vernian Deep, Port Babbage, and the forbidding North Fells, she is one of the larger places of her kind. One can wander endlessly among her streets, stumbling across shops and pubs, mansions and mad scientists, street urchins and secret societies. And of course there is adventure. I have found myself in peril several times there, such as "The Black Heart," "The Dark Aether Falls," and "Shadow of the 13." Not to mention my entanglements with the Esoteric Order of Dagon, which is active there.

I have since moved on, since the death of Flora at the hand of cultists there. But such is my bond with New Babbage that I know I shall return again.

A view of the city

Port Babbage, on the Vernian Sea

A view from above

A clockwork Dalek

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