Aboard the Satellite of Love
In the not too distant future, a mad scientist and his assistant were hatching an evil scheme. The abducted a temp assigned to their company and launched him into space, imprisoning him alone aboard a space station. There, they decided to test the limits of human sanity by forcing him to watch the most awful motion pictures ever made. To fight back, their victim cannibalized parts of the station to build his robot friends, and together they mocked the films they watched with the most scathing criticisms.
So runs the backstory of Mystery Science Theater 3000, one of the brightest, funniest pieces of comedy ever produced. To my surprise, I discovered in the Linden Continuum a replica of the Satellite of Love, the station that was the setting of this program. Inside this recreation, located on a sim called "This Island Earth," MST3K is shown episode after episode, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can drop in any time and catch the show.
The films are free, but as the movies are rented the owners do ask for donations to pay the operating costs. In the two years that I have been going, the patronage and donations have been enough to keep the laughter rolling.
So drop by "This Island Earth" and catch a showing at Squeebee's MST3K theater. You will be glad you did.
Catching a Show
The Satellite Outside
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